Fighting... fighting... fighting...

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I am consciously trying to change my view of Burpees... but it isn't working! I HATE THEM!
As soon as they come up during a homework I think I cry a little inside and dread the thought of them.

BUT... and this almost hurts to write... BUT they are possibly one of the most important parts of the Spartanfam method for me!
They are the one part that challenges me, makes me work really hard, uses a wide range of skills to control them and develops more than just a toning of leg muscles! They help improve balance, coordination and that little gyro part of our brains that keeps the electrical signals processing properly and improves our aim along with all-round agility.

I think my reaction times are getting faster... but even with a reasonably controlled diet the fat still isn't shifting.

I recently did a fitness test which told me I was 'over weight'... my BMI was in that nasty zone above the accepted norm and I couldn't deny it either.  I know I've a bit to lose - but to learn that it was was over 10kgs was a bit of a scare!  I don't want to be fat and this tyre isn't proving easy to shift at all!

Spartanfam does seem to be improving my general well-being but I need to be doing it more and on that part I am failing miserably.

Tonight my wife and I are heading to Seoul for the opening night of a Latin & Salsa Weekend.  It will be the first time in 2 years that we've really got to go out dancing and we've missed it - I used to dance 6 nights a week and was very trim - now I need to find that bug again and apply it to something else until we return home where there is a more vibrant salsa scene and I can at least get out once a week.

To keep you going with the homeworks here is Week 6!

Its a nice one this week - and again, no need for a gym - just get out there!

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