Bit of a break... cost me dearly!

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Right... vacation/holiday time is over, extra classes are over, English Camp is over, and school is back in full swing.

And so is SpartanFam training!

I didn't get the chance to post towards the end of July due to workload but I did get to keep doing my homework so that wasn't so bad... but when I was away on vacation (as they like to refer to it here) there was too much unhealthy food such as delicious beef burgers (not the fast food kind) consumed which didn't do me any favours!

I also didn't do ANY training while I was away... and walking up a dormant volcano didn't really count as a proper hike.

So, since I hadn't posted on here, and had missed a full 2 weeks of doing any Spartan training I think it is only appropriate to go back to doing the week 5 Homework and continue from there!

Week 5's Homework includes 6 small sets with 15 or so reps in each set and since it is short it is simple enough to repeat the whole homework twice.  Today is ideal for me to kick back into this as I am sat in school with no students as they have been told school is cancelled due to a typhoon going by - so I am free to do it as much as I want!

So, you have Press Ups x 15, Tricep Dips x 15, Sit Ups with Punches x 15, Squat Jumps x 20, Full Plank to Half Plank x 15, and those dreaded Burpees with back of hand to floor x 20.

I am really seeing the work from the Tricep Dips showing through in my arms... plus I have been doing Traditional Korean Archery for the last month too and that is a whole workout for the chest in itself so my upper chest is doing quite well but I need to work harder on my core as the fat isn't shifting yet... though I guess if I work it off slowly then it is more likely to stay off too!

Here's the video - have a go and don't forget to follow @Chakabars on Twitter, check out his blog for more ways to improve your Spartanfam performance and leave a comment if you are following the SpartanFam Method too to let me know how you are getting on!

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